
If you want to start a website, the best place to look is in online books. There are tons of books available on how to start a website and they all show you the simplest and quickest way to get your business off the ground. By learning from books, you can avoid some of the […]

Mother’s Day is just around the corner! We’ve compiled a list of our top favorite things that would make great Mother’s Day gifts. I’ve posted links for each of these items so you can learn more about them and order if you’d like. They are highlighted in blue. Here goes! 1. Everyday MOMents by Jessica

Mother’s Day Gift IdeasRead More »

This new book by self-proclaimed “collector of divine details” (I just love that!!) Jessica Poe is a must read for tired, overwhelmed mammas everywhere. I myself am a mommy to my little 2 year old daughter and step-mom to 3 teenagers. Ever since my baby came along I have been super overwhelmed with life and

Book Review: Everyday MOMents: Discovering Christ in the Details of Motherhood, by Jessica PoeRead More »

Hello friends! Just wanted to give a shout out about the Pinner’s Conference coming up next weekend. After all the work for Halloween, with costumes, candy, and decorating, you totally deserve a girls night (or weekend) to relax, be inspired, and come away motivated. There are classes on just about everything – cooking, baking, hair,

Pinners Conference Nov. 7-8Read More »