
Tips On How To Save Money On Groceries

Before going to the grocery store, make a list of what you usually buy. Bringing a calculator with you is helpful for comparing prices at different stores. If you have a full shopping list, it’s easier to choose the items that you need without impulse purchases. Write down the regular price for every item, even those that are on sale. Also, do not shop when you’re hungry. While you may be tempted to buy unhealthy foods, you’ll save more money by not overspending.

When shopping, remember to round up prices.  You can save more money by rounding up at the checkout. Another good trick is to use a price book to note down the prices of the same items at different stores. This way, you can avoid overspending on basic necessities. You can also make a list that lists the lowest prices of items you often buy.

Check the sales flyers. You can save more money by shopping strategically. People love to take advantage of deals and discounts. Those who don’t read the flyers are doing themselves a disservice. But it’s easy to save a lot of cash if you take the time to look through them before going to the grocery store. Keep an eye out for them and you’ll never know when you’ll find a good deal.

Clip grocery coupons. Not only do coupons help you save money at the grocery store, but they also save you money over time. There are printable grocery coupons available on sites like Your Own Home Store. And if you don’t have a coupon book, use your Facebook account to set up an account. There are other ways to save money on grocery shopping, but using a coupon book is the best option.


Try to save money on meat. Most families spend a large amount on meat. You can save a lot by switching to a cheaper supermarket that sells cheaper meat and vegetables. In addition, you can make use of the apps available on your phone. Most grocery stores have these apps, which allow you to clip digital coupons. By keeping a grocery list on your phone, you can easily keep it with you as you go.

Using a price book is another way to save money on grocery items. Using a price book and calculating the cost per ounce, you can save more than one hundred dollars per week by using coupons. You can also download apps that help you calculate the cost of an item by multiplying the price by its size. Once you’ve got a good idea of how much you’ll need for a month, you can start saving even more.