This conference was very informative and so much fun to be a part of. Going into this, I was a little nervous as I had never been to this conference before, especially as a blogger, and wasn’t quite sure what to expect (Kirsten had gone last year for the blog). But I was pumped to […]
Tag: Love
Summer is coming to an end, ok well technically it isn’t over till September 22nd but my kids start school TOMORROW! and to me that means summer is over. I am ready for them to go back, just to give me a little more quiet and time to myself- and maybe even a few hours
The newness if summer is wearing off for my children, how about yours? More and more I am hearing, “I’m Bored, what can I do!” When I get this from my kids I either give them a list of chores to pick from or I tell them to choose something from our Summer Bucket List.
I want to start off by sharing with you my calendar this week. This is just what is on my calendar, not my to do list of things to get done each day. This is just this week’s calendar events. Monday -Mom’s birthday, Will baseball game at 5 be there at 4:30, FHE Tuesday- Will baseball game at
For the last month or so I have been telling my children that they need to write down some things they want to do this summer. We have been SO crazy busy lately that if we don’t make a plan, the summer will be gone and my children will be complaining about how lame our
My goodness! We just made it through St. Patrick’s Day and now this Sunday is Easter. Are you feeling the stress that I am? I feel like it is just the way this year has been. Will things EVER slow down? I don’t even know why I ask. No, they probably won’t. So, we just
I am always looking for new Valentine’s Day decorations and tend to be a little disappointed at the things I find. Maybe I am looking in all the wrong places, but I feel that there is hardly any Valentine’s Day decor out there. And what I do find, is almost always made of felt. This