This conference was very informative and so much fun to be a part of. Going into this, I was a little nervous as I had never been to this conference before, especially as a blogger, and wasn’t quite sure what to expect (Kirsten had gone last year for the blog). But I was pumped to […]
Tag: craft
The newness if summer is wearing off for my children, how about yours? More and more I am hearing, “I’m Bored, what can I do!” When I get this from my kids I either give them a list of chores to pick from or I tell them to choose something from our Summer Bucket List.
I was looking for something to fill this space on my family command center wall. I wanted to fill it with holiday decor and since Valentine’s Day is coming soon, that’s what it will be for now. I could not find any Valentine decor that I liked and that was perfect for this space. I
I am always looking for new Valentine’s Day decorations and tend to be a little disappointed at the things I find. Maybe I am looking in all the wrong places, but I feel that there is hardly any Valentine’s Day decor out there. And what I do find, is almost always made of felt. This
Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in one of his talks, “In family relationships love is really spelled T-I-M-E.” I believe this is true. So here are some fun Christmas ornaments you can make with your children and spend time together as you get ready for Christmas. I have 5 children from the age of 3 up