Easter is coming so quick this year! Are you all ready?
It’s easy to get caught up in the fun of Easter with the Easter Bunny, baskets, Easter egg hunts and food but I want my children to know WHY we celebrate Easter and gain their own testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ and his atonement, and know that HE LIVES!
At our house it is tradition to do an Easter Family Home evening the Monday before Easter that focuses on the Savior’s crucifixion and resurrection. The one we have been doing for years is this story of Easter in eggs.
Easter Story Eggs
I have children from the age of 4-17 yrs old and over the years it has been perfect for our family. I know that it won’t be long that we move on to the FHE shared on page 2 of this post which is better for an older group.
We made this at a Relief Society activity and now that I think of it, this might have been meant to be an advent but we always use it for FHE.
Each egg has a scripture to tell part of the Easter story as well as an item that the children can look at, hold, or smell creating sensory engagement which helps them retain the story better. I have created a free printable for you to make your own Easter Story Eggs here. ** when you click on this link you will be asked if you would like to join drop box but you do not have to, to get the printable, just click through to see the pdf.**
All you have to do is grab a bag of 12 eggs and put numbers 1-12 on them with Stickers, a Sharpie or even cut numbers with a Cricut Create Machine which is what I did (I just have this basic machine but I love it). Then print off the scriptures in the document above and gather the items for each scripture putting them in the corresponding egg.
When we do this FHE I let the children choose a couple of eggs then we start with 1 and go to 12, reading each scripture and pass around each item. Sometimes there is a discussion beyond the scriptures and sometimes we just get through each egg/scripture, a beautiful spirit is always there.
After going through the eggs we watch an Easter video from lds.org . This year I will start with the #Hallelujah video from Mormon.org